Project 5000


Prayer 8:50 am | Sunday Worship Experience begins at 9 am in-person or Via Facebook Live!

Our Goal is to Serve!

The bible talks about the "Feeding of 5000" which can be found in Matthew 14:13-21. This scripture tells us of a very important story in the word that today would be considered a "compassion piece". We learn of Jesus seeing a large group who had followed him to a solitary place and he in turn heals them and inevitably through the notification of his disciples feeds them. Both the "remarkable" and the "miracle" comes later but what many rarely focus on... is what led up to this day of feeding. There was a King who had the power to make decisions that left a population of people hurt while those who sat at his table ate bountifully. Much like today there were groups of people left disenfranchised, hopeless and not only hungry for Gods word but physically exhausted and in need of food to eat. Leading up to that monumental day where Jesus fed 5000 there was a tyrant whose only concern was power and his own well being. The meal this King served came with the cost of lives with the intentions to ruin anything that stood for good.

The story in its entirety is important to the NCCF family because we recognize the space we are in as a Country which truly facilitates the need. There are people who are hungry for what God is doing and making readily available. There are people who are traveling both near and far just to hear a word from him. The meal Jesus served to the 5000 wasn't just about compassion but was also about "abundance"; for which God solves a problem that seemed too large to fix. After all, how does one who only has "5 loaves of bread & two fish" feed five thousand people? Jesus demonstrated the "remarkable" and the "miracle" through feeding people who followed him. He was undaunted by what seemed to be "not enough" and broke the loaves and the two fish anyway in an effort for the people to be both fed and fulfilled.  

In October of 2020 Bishop Ray Taylor received an assignment and as a result, birthed Project 5000 where we began feeding the physical needs of 5000 people through meats, dairy, vegetables and non perishables. During a time with civil unrest, political shifts and a global health pandemic we made the commitment to feed the masses. History will indeed repeat itself where we are telling people who have traveled to get here, not to go away... but to stay and eat. 

Help Us Feed The Need!

If you are interested in any way to help us in our efforts, please take a moment to let us know how you can help! Donations can be made by clicking the button: We are open to any meaningful ways to partner!

If you are in need of food please do not hesitate to call us at 302-276-0725!